+++ We are planning a litter of rhodesian ridgbeacks in 2021 +++


IHA Geneva: Exc. 2 RCAC for African Dream Ashoka of Muna ya Kusini


Ashoka successful in the show ring: we are totally thrilled about her.





As ewrywhere in the world, unfortunately we have also in the Ridgeback community producers who are responsible for a bad reputation against our race and are not good for the dogs and only have in mind to do a lot of money with the disadventage for the dogs. We did made terrible experience with:
That's why we have decided to make our story public to draw hope from this opportunity that future, innocent potential puppy buyer as well as stud dog owners could be warned to avoid similar pain. The imagination that further people and dogs will be affected from them is insufferable for us . At least two planned litters where already canceled by this outing.
End of 2010 we buyed the female Yaw Adyuba Royalty Nehanda from Marten Baasaron and Marije de Bruijn. Unfortunately our own bitch was very ill and it did not work between both females. Nehanda, at that time 6 months old, did attack our female who was very ill and also did hurd our five years old son. Outstanding is that also other siblings from Nehanda from the same litter, not all could be sociallized with other dogs and bites them (mainly females). In that difficult situation we did get in touch with our breeder. It was planned that they wanted to visit us in Switzerland. When they did arrive in the late afternoon, they told us a silly story, that they have to drive back the next morning baucause of their horse who was ill. The next morning they took us under pressure one hour with talking and talking and talking..., that it would be best to give them Nehanda back (our biggest fault!). They would make a champion of her and they have use for her in  their breeding program. Baasaron/de Bruijn took andventage from this emergency situation and putted Nehanda in the car and disappeared. We were not prepared at all to give them Nehanda back and that they only came to us to take Nehanda with them. Their statement was: if we kept on puppy from this litter it was Nehanda. In a hurry we agreed by a hand notice, that we will settle a contract taking Nehanda back with a trial period for thinking about, when they were back in Holland.  Back in the Netherlands they wanted  not anymore sign this contract. There was also written, that they have not the right to rehome Nehanda to somewhere else. So they did break our agreement from the beginning. We did not get back from them the buy price for Nehanda and we also did not received another puppy which we did not wanted anymore from them under that conditions. These people did only lie, swindle and stealing us, or let's say they took the opportunity for a unsjustified enrichment. The financial aspect is not for our interest at all, the only loser in that story was our poor Nehanda.
On their homepage www.ridgebackeurope.com it's usual that their dogs disapear regulary and did no more show up when they are useless for them (K.O, Iingwe), as well as our Nehanda. Both of them were bored with Nehanda, Nehanda gets hitting was the most  of the time in a cage and they were not able to handle her. Nehanda was rehomed due to their breeders six times! 1st station: from the breeder to us (5 months), 2nd station: from us back to the breeder (6 months), 3rd station: from the breeder to a woman (1 month), 4th station: to a family with children (18 months), 5th station: from the family with children to a couple with one child (2 months), 6th station: back to us. At the 4th station Baasaron/de Bruijn told them that have to pay only Euro 300.00 for the dog, but they wanted her for one litter. So Baasaron/De Bruin get paid twice for the same dog. When problems with Nehanda came up at that family, Marten Baasaron and Marije de Bruijn wanted her back when they were aware that she is not sterilized, doing a litter and put her after to sleep. Happily that did not happen because the family from the 4th station did not gave them Nehanda back because they were afraid that Nehanda would have been in danger. They also did not tell to Marten Baasaron and Marije de Bruijn the new domicile of Nehanda. Kris But always helped Nehanda when she was in rescue to protect her. As well when she and her life partner picked her up from the last station and braught Nehanda back to us in Switzerland. When Kris But took over Nehanda, she was in a very bad condition (fur, allergies...) and also affected by the circumstance that the most of the time Nehanda was chained on a short leash outside and with not enough movement. On the homepage www.ridgebackeurope.com is written "we feel responsible for every puppy for life" Just a farce...  Some months later we got informed that Nehanda is no more living with them. We called Marten Baasaron and he was telling us only thirty things on the phone about us and that he was not willing to tell us, where Nehanda is and that he will not pay the money back to us. The worst for us was, that we did not know for 2 years where Nehanda is and how she is doing.
Yaw Adyuba Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Marten Baasaron, Marije de Bruijn, Emmen NL were kicked out from the official Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Netherlands (RRCN) because they gave negative cause for complaint. They did not respect the breeding code of conduct etc. (matings with halfsiblings etc.) but also because they did deal with many puppy owners in a very unappropriate manner (Nehanda case etc.). They confirm on their homepage that they breed according to the breed regulations from the Netherlands Rhodesian Ridgeback Club (NRRV). WARNING: this club has nothing to do with the official and serious RRCN. The NRRV is a own club who is founded by Baasaron/de Bruijn themselfs, so their members (some of them were also suspended from the RRCN) were no more controlled by the RRCN.
Nehanda had to suffer a lot in her short life. The breeding conditions from Marten Baasaron and Marije de Bruijn were horrible and not much better today. It was winter and the puppies had to live in a very small place in a extension of a caravan in the dirt (picture available). Conditions where the dogs have to stay most of the time in a cage (is confirmed by Marten Baasaron in written), undernourished dogs (like Mr. Brown from Cheryl Jacobs), hitting of dogs are general, and can be confirmed by other people (Cheryl Jacobs/Kris But etc.). One time he was hitting Nehanda against a cement wall. The oldest bitch in the pack (Nehanda's mother) has to drawing up by her high age the 5th time a litter.
This very sad story from Nehanda is true and can be confirmed by different people. Many thanks goes to Cheryl Jacobs (Gondwana Ridgebaks SA) who gets in contact with us to help in finding our dog, as well as to Kris But who did rescue Nehanda by spectacular actions and braught us Nehanda finally back to us in Switzerland. Nehanda will be safe now for her life especially against Marten Baasaron and Marije de Bruijn.
What a blessing, that we still have on that earth some people like Kris But and her life partner who did not avoid any efforts to save our poor little girl Nehanda. About that we just want to show our fully respect!
We confirm herewith that we will take the responsibility for Nehanda for a lifetime and that we will make everything happen for her, that she has a good life, even if we can not have her at our home because she still not tolerates other dogs in her pack. We would and could never put the life of our pack in danger. That's the reason because we as responsible breeders are more and more requested to only breed with dogs who have an absolutely intact character (this requires a check of the dogs before the mating will be done). This is not releant for dog shows but for the real life it's essential! We have the guarantee, to have for the whole life for Nehanda personal access to her and that make us very happy. 



EDS Cacib Show Geneva: Exc. 1 CAC Youth for African Dream ASHOKA of Muna ya Kusini


Wir sind ja so stolz!  African Dream ASHOKA of Muna ya Kusini rockt den Ring und schafft die Sensation in einer vollbesetzten
Jugend Klasse und holt somit ihr erstes V1 CAC Jugend. Herzlichen Dank an Kris But für das tolle Handling.
Mama Hidaya v.d. Eyssel Hoeve for Muna ya Kusini sicherte sich bei ebenfalls grosser Konkurrenz ein tolles V.



Summer Holidays with the Muna ya Kusini pack in Ticino





Our African Dream celebrates today their 1st Birthday! We congratulate to all other siblings from our heart to this special event and we hope that all will continue with a superb life - Muna ya Kusini RR's








Wir sind traurig, wir sind total erschlagen, so plötzlich, so grausam - wir können es nicht fassen!  MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters ist nicht mehr da. 

Vater unserer geliebten Hidaya
Grossvater unseres African Dream Wurfs
Grossvater unserer Ashoka 
Grossvater unseres kommenden Black Pearl Wurfs
Grossvater unseres kommenden Bahari

Mit ihm begann unser Ridgeback Traum, mit ihm lebt er weiter in seiner Nachzucht. Unser tiefstes Beileid an Anabel Gomez Navarro: 
Tochter Hidaya v.d Eyssel Hoeve, Enkeltochter African Dream Ashoka of Muna ya Kusini, Makalonga's Bantu, Jasmine, Jean-Michel, 
Sidney. Wir wünschen dir Bukuru dass du nun in Frieden ruhst und von der Regenbrücke ein Auge auf uns wirfst, auch auf deine 
Enkelkinder aus dem Black Pearl Wurf im März 2014. 



Chill out with the summer girls from the Muna ya Kusini Kennel


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Family Trip to Azibp and his Family


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Family Trip to Awena and her family


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IHA St. Gallen: Exc. 3 for Hidaya v.d. Eyssel Hoeve


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Awena best in Youth class; candidate of German Youth Champion


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Our offspring has passed her youth test (mental & exterior)


Wir sind mächtig stolz, berichten zu dürfen, dass unsere Nachzuchthündin: African Dream ASHOKA of Muna ya Kusini mit Bravour die heutige Junghundeprüfung des RRCS bestanden hat. Obwohl gerade mal 8 Monate alt, zeigte sie sich absolut wesenssicher, auch haben wir unser Zuchtziel im Extérieur vollkommen erreicht. Wesensveranlagung:
Aufgestellte, freundliche, verspielte Hündin, die Spass an den gestellten Aufgaben hatte! Extérieur:
sehr gute Kondition, korrektes Gesamtformat, kräftige Knochen, trockene, kräftige Bemuskelung, rotweizen, viel Pigment, anliegende Lefzen, Haarstruktur: kurz, glatt, dicht, korrekte Schattenmaske, Ridge: Form, Länge, Breite Box korrekt, Kronen ausgeprägt, vollzahniges Scherengebiss, dunkle Augen, Behänge gross u. leicht offen getragen, edler, korrekter, trockener Hals, normale Brustentwicklung: Brusttiefe, Brustbreite, gerader Rücken, Rute Form u. Ansatz korrekt, gute Winkelungen, schönes Gangwerk, sehr feminine Hündin, harmonischer Kopf/Gebäude, Kopf eher etwas klein, super Wesen Es ist uns bewusst, dass wir noch ein paar Hürden zu überstehen haben, bevor Ashoka in die Zucht gehen darf, aber wir wissen, dass wir mit ihr auf dem richtigen Weg sind. Dies verdanken wir massgeblich den Elterntieren und möchten hiermit Elly Veldmann (www.dafina-wa-afrika.com) ein riesen Dankeschön aussprechen und schicken dem Vater von Ashoka unsere besten Grüsse.



Victory for our Offspring!


African Dream AWENA Xola of Muna ya Kusini VV1 Jüngstenklasse 
Rassegemeinschaftsausstellung Gera / Deutschland 

Wir sind sehr stolz auf unsere Nachzuchthündin Awena, aka yellow girl, welche an ihrer ersten Ausstellung gleichden ersten Platz erzielt hat. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Stephanie Schmiedekind, welche es verstanden hat, diese wunderschöne Hündin richtig aufzubauen und sind sehr glücklich, dass wir Awena am richtigen Ort plaziert wissen. Wir hoffen, von diesem tollen Team noch viele solche Erfolge feiern zu können und drücken die Daumen.



Greetings from our Ski Holidays in Austria





Starting 2013 with our two Queens





Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!





African Dream Puppy Meeting


Am 24. November 2012 fand das Welpentreffen des African Dream Wurfs statt. Was einst klein und von Mama Hidaya abhänging war, gedeiht und wächst zu richtigen Ridgebacks heran. Wir verbrachten einen gemütlichen Nachmittag mit Spaziergang wo sich die Geschwister so richtig austoben konnten, mit anschliessendem Fondue und Uebergabe der Pedigrees, Fotobücher und Pokale der Welpen, welche in Lausanne ausgestellt wurden. Ja sogar der Samichlaus erschien gleich dreifach: Bantu, Hidaya und Ashoka gaben sich die Ehre in rot/weiss... In diesem Sinne wünschen wir schöne Weihnachten und ein Gutes Neues Jahr! Herzlichst Euer Kennel of Muna ya Kusini



Wonderful show results from the African Dream litter on the IHA Lausannne


Was für ein Ausstellungs-Wochenende!

Fünf unserer Nachzuchten haben ihr Bestes gegeben und sich im Show-Ring bereits wie Profis präsentiert und dies bei Konkurrenz die doch schon einiges grösser waren: African Dream Adimu  of Muna ya Kusini:  VV1 Welpensieger
African Dream Ayubu  of Muna ya Kusini:  VV1, V4  
African Dream Abuya  of Muna ya Kusini:  VV2
African Dream Ashura of Muna ya Kusini:  VV4, VV4
African Dream Ashoka of Muna ya Kusini:  VV2, VV3 Einer der Berichte:
(alle anderen unter Nachzucht zu finden - auf Bild klicken) "Very confident 3 month old baby, lovely head and expression, good reach of neck and layback of shoulder, correct ridge, strong hindquarters, showed and moved extremly well. Very nice puppy".

Und noch mal Good News: 
bei Ashoka und Ashura sind alle Zahnanlagen vorhanden und es wird somit ein vollzahniges Scherengebiss erwartet! Wir haben beide Mädchen geröngt und es zeigt einmal mehr, dass es sich auszahlt, nur mit Elterntieren zu züchten, welche selbst vollzahnig sind! 



The African Dream litter starts into week 11


Dürfen wir vorstellen, unsere beiden Top Shots bei den Mädels:  African Dream ASHOKA of Muna ya Kusini (links)                          African Dream ASHURA of Muna ya Kusini (rechts) Töchter von Hidaya v.d. Eyssel Hoeve for Muna ya Kusini & Int. Ch. Aresvuma Vividjo Makini aka "Misha", Enkelinnen von MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters und Ch. Vizara Iringa. bei einem spontanen Foto-Shooting von Anabel Gomez-Navarro. Anabel weiss gekonnt wie kaum jemand anders, unsere tollen Ridgebacks in Szene zu setzen. Wer Interesse hat, auch solche tollen Bilder zu haben, möge sich zwecks Vereinbarung eines Foto-Shootings direkt mit ihr in Verbindung setzen: Tel. 079 240 10 43 oder mashona@gmx.ch Wie immer findet ihr neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: 
Nachzucht/African Dream Wurf/  (Namen od. Pfote anklicken)
und neu unter:
unsere Hunde/African Dream "Ashoka"/Fotos
unsere Hunde/African Dream "Ashura"/Fotos



Start into the tenth week of the African Dream Litter



Ja, bald ist es soweit und die einzelnen Repräsentanten des African Dream Wurfs wandern in die weiter Welt hinaus. Doch bevor es soweit ist, haben wir noch einiges vor. Soweit soviel: die tierärztliche Untersuchung chippen/impfen hat ergeben, dass alle 10 Welpen kerngesund sind und auch die Wurfkontrolle des RRCS nichts anderes bestätigt, als das was wir schon wussten, nämlich, dass wir von zehn - neun fehlerfreie Welpen haben, was aus züchterischer Sicht ein fantastisches Ergebnis ist! Jetzt steht uns natürlich noch der Ausflug mit dem Auto bevor und Abschied zu nehmen von der Zuchtstätte"of Muna ya Kusini". Selbstverständliche wird jeder Welpe im Inland zu den neuen Eigentümern gebracht,diejenigen im Ausland werden später besucht werden. Ganz stolz sind wir natürlich, dass sage und schreibe
50 % dieses fantastischen Wurfs an der Internationalen Hundeaustellung in Lausanne Ende Oktober 2012 gezeigt werden.

Wie immer findet ihr fast täglich neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: Welpen/African Dream Wurf/Bilder 10. Woche



The African Dream litter starts into week 9


Der African Dream Wurf schliesst seinen Kreis indem auch noch die Personen-Gruppen geprägt wurden. Mit Begeisterung dürfen wir mitteilen, dass alle Welpen sich hervorragend präsentiert haben und es erfüllt uns Züchter auch ein wenig mit Stolz, dass wir im 2012 einen der besten Würfe im RRCS gezüchtet haben. Einspezieller Dank geht hier verdient an "Grandma" Anabel Gomez Navarro, angehende RR Richterin, welche die Kombination der Elterntiere ausgesucht hat und mit ihrem guten Gespür auch mit uns zusammen die Zuteilung der Welpen gemacht hat. Ein ganz fantastisches Mädchen aus diesem Wurf wird bei uns bleiben, nämlich "African Dream ASHOKA of Muna ya Kusini. Mehr zu unserer Herrscherin - Königin (Bedeutung von Ashoka) werden in Kürze folgen. Wie immer findet ihr fast täglich neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: Welpen/African Dream Wurf/Bilder 9. Woche



Start in into the eight week of the African Dream Litter


Der African Dream Wurf macht nun gewaltige Fortschritte, nicht nur dass sie jetzt ransant von Tag zu Tagwachsen, sondern sie fordern einem jetzt jeden Tag mehr. Wir haben angefangen, die Welpen sanft akustisch wie auch optisch wie an einer Zuchtzulassungsprüfung zu prägen, das Verhalten zu beobachten, ja sogar das Wasser macht ihnen einen höllen Spass. Wir denken, sie können es kaum erwarten, endlich einen Ausflug zu machen. Wie immer findet ihr fast täglich neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: Welpen/African Dream Wurf/Bilder 8. Woche



The African Dream litter starts into week 7


Der African Dream Wurf entwickelt sich langsam zu richtigen Beauties und Persönlichkeiten. Mittlerweile haben die Rüeden 5 Kg Marke und die Hündinnen die 4 Kg Grenze überschritten und sie zeigen einem schon ganz deutlich ihre unterschiedlichen Temperamente. Nichts ist mehr sicher vor ihnen, auch Mama Hidaya macht ihnen die Grenzen nun sehr deutlich. Jetzt ist genaues Augenmerk des Züchters gefragt, welcher die neuen Welpen-Eltern berät und ihnen den richtigen Hund, welcher zum entsprechenden Individuum passt vermitteln kann. Schön sind sie sowieso alle...

Wie immer findet ihr fast täglich neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: Welpen/African Dream Wurf/Bilder 7. Woche




Start in into the sixth week of the African Dream Litter


Nachdem die Welpen nun bereits mit vielen Menschen vertraut wurden, ist nun die Zeit angebrochen, wo wir anfangen, die Welpen optisch und akustisch zu prägen sodass sie möglichst früh mit möglichen alltäglichen Situationen vertraut werden. Es ist eine wahre Freude zu sehen, wie sie bereits jetzt unerschrocken und selbtsicher täglich Neues ausprobieren. Dies zeigt uns einmal mehr, wie richtig die Wahl der beiden Elterntiere:Int. Ch. Areswuma Vividjo Makini aka Misha & Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve for Muna ya Kusini war.        
Wie immer findet ihr fast täglich neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: Welpen/African Dream Wurf/Bilder 6. Woche



The African Dream litter starts into week 5


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The African Dream litter starts into week 4


Der African Dream Wurf ist mobil geworden. Just zu Beginn der 4. Woche gehen alle Welpen ohne Hilfe selbständig aus der Wurfbox und laufen im Ganzen Wintergarten herum. Es dauert wohl nicht mehr lange, bis sie sich in den Garten wagen. Ab Tag 22 versuchen wir zuzufüttern, das wird wohl ein Spass werden... Wie immer findet ihr fast täglich neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: Welpen/A-Wurf/Bilder 4. Woche



Start in the third week from the African Dream Litter


Nachdem nun alle die Augen offen haben, auch Red Girl und Purple Girl folgt gleich die nächste Sensation im Leben der noch kleinen Midaya's: heute wurde das erste Mal entwurmt, die Begeisterung dabei hielt sich allerdings in Grenzen. Einige schüttelten nur den Kopf, nach dem Motto: was ihr Menschen euch alles einfallen lässt...

Wie immer findet ihr fast täglich neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: Welpen/A-Wurf/Bilder 3. Woche




The African Dream litter starts into week 2


Die erste Woche haben wir geschafft und sind putzmunter!
Wie erwartet haben wir am 10. Lebenstag bereits das Gewicht verdoppelt. Krallen wurden auch schon geschnitten und Mama putzt und füttert uns rund um die Uhr. Wir fühlen uns sehr wohl und geniessen einfach die Zweisamkeit.

Wie immer findet ihr fast täglich neue Bilder unter der Rubrik: Welpen/A-Wurf/Bilder 2. Woche



Grandma Anabel


Was für eine Ueberraschung...  Eigentlich nicht, als es kritisch wurde und es darum ging die bestmögliche Entscheidung für Hidaya ihre Nachzuchthündin zu treffen, war Anabel einfach da und half mit, die kleinen Midaya's ins Leben zu führen. Wir sind ihr sehr dankbar und danken ihr herzlich für all ihre Hilfe und Aufopferung, welche sie uns zukommen liess. Herzlichen Dank auch an Bukuru, dem Vater von Hidaya, Usoni, Chidima, Halbschwester von Hidaya und Halbbruder Kerubo welche Anabel soviel entbehren mussten.



Impressions from the first day from the African Dream Litter


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Our African Dream came true!



 Am 21. Juli 2012 erblickte unser "African Dream" Wurf  mit 11 Welpen das Licht der Welt, davon 7 Hündinnen und 4 Rüden. Einer hat es leider nicht geschafft. Es ist ein wunderschöner Wurf geworden, alle rotweizen mit schönen Ridges. Bis auf einen Welpen mit einer Knickrute ist der Wurf sogar fehlerfrei. Allen 10 verbliebenen Welpen und der Mutter geht es sehr gut. Wir sind einfach nur stolz und glücklich und danken allen, welche uns mitgeholfen haben, diesen Traum zu verwirklichen. Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve for Muna ya Kusini & Int. CH Aresvuma Vividjo Makini aka Misha



MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters celebrates his 12th Anniversary!


African Dream

Der Grossvater des "African Dream" Wurfs feiert heute seinen 12. Geburtstag und sieht immer noch wie ein wahrer Multi-Champion aus. Tochter Hidaya v.d. Eyssel Hoeve und Familie gratullieren herzlich. Vielen Dank Bukuru, du hast diese fantastische Nachzucht ermöglicht und wir wünschen dir, dass du deinen Lebensabend noch lange, lange geniessen kannst. Deine wilde Tochter Hidaya & Rudel



Hidaya's pregnancy: week 9


The stork can come... Now time will fly, only a few days until the big event will take place: the birth of the  "African Dream" Litter. Let's keep fingers crossed, so that everything goes in the right direction and that we can welcome soon the newborns. Today we have Hidaya's 57 day of her pregnancy, she has a belly range of 92 cm and a weight of 41 Kg, we are sure, also Hidaya can't wait... Now she has to say godbeye from her beloved Ticino holiday and go home into the "African Dream" birth place.                                                        



Hidaya's pregnancy: week 8


The preparations want find an End... In a few hours we have transformed our winter garden into an "African Dream" for the future puppies. The whole family was helping, and we are ready so that Hidaya can come familar with her whelping box. She already passed the first night in the box with pleasure. Today we have the 50 day of Hidaya's pregnancy, she has now a belly range of 83 cm, and a weight of 38,0 kg and she would be happy if the daly walks could be shorter.  



Hidaya's pregnancy: week 7


DSC 0089

Misha the father of our future "African Dream" litter has a new homepage: www.dafina-wa-afrika.com On the new website of Areswuma Vividjo Makini aka Misha you will find a lot of pictures and information about his origin etc... Today we have Hidaya' 43 day of her pregnancy, Hidaya's last third has started, she has now a belly range of 73 cm and a weight of 36.4 kg. Hidaya wants to eat for a whole pack and on the walk she is watchful like a eagle and she has everything under control.



Pregnant Hidaya is celebrating her 4th Birthday!


Happy Birthday beloved Hidaya!!! With all that turbulences in regard of my pregnancy, my family really forgot my 4th Birthday! The delayed party took place with my favorite lunch:fish filet! Dear Hidaya, we are very grateful that you are with us and we wish you a lot of more birthdays like that.



Hidaya's pregnancy: week 6


Yes, our beauty is growing, today we have day 36 of Hidaya's pregnancy, she has a belly range of 67 cm and a weight of 34.2 kg. The summer heat is a bit complicating but she is totally fit! In the Netherland, groom and Papa is very excited how his brid is developing, and he can't wait to  see his kids in Switzerland. Greetings from the dream couple

Hidaya v.d. Eyssel Hoeve & Int. Ch. Aresvuma Vividjo Makini aka "Misha"





We are very proud to announce that Hidaya & Misha will be parents, suitable for the European Football Championchip  with a  football team of 11 pupies,  who we saw today on the ultrasound. Hidaya is doing very well, she is in a top condition on day 29 and she has a weight of 33.2 kg and a belly range of 63 cm. Now the big adventure can start, soon our house will be turn into an "African Dream" Further news will follow soon...





On May 22 2012 we started our long trip to Hollandlland to meet Misha, the future fahter of our A-litter. Hidaya & Misha were
mated by 30 degrees and they will enjoy if everything goes as expected, a beautiful summer litter. 

Now lets fingers crossed, we are really happy to welcome soon a lot of "Midayas" and we hope that our "African Dream" come true.



Announcement Puppy Plans at the Kennel of Muna ya Kusini on July 26 2012



Now the big adventure starts: Hidaya is since today, May 6 2012 in heat! We are very pleased to announce the following mating and puppy plans with: Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve for of Muna ya Kusini & Int Ch. Aresvuma Vividjo Makini aka "Misha" 

If you are interested in having a puppy from this promissing combination (puppy handover approx. end of Septembre 2012), please get in touch as soon as possible  with us by phone: 044 845 32 00 or email: jasminehoppe@yahoo.de or with Elly Veldmann www.madzinza.nl. We expect elegant, red wheaten puppies with a good temperament.



Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve is published on the new Ridgeback book


We are very proud about Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve for Muna ya Kusini, who is part of the new edition of the book:
our dream dog - Rhodesian Ridgeback from Sascha Kalabessa in Germany, as typical race representative. You will find
her on the pages no. 55 und 83.



Int. Dog Show Milano: Exc. 2 for Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve


"La nostra Belezza Hidaya" was very successful at the Int. Dog Show in Milan and got an Exc. 2 !!! 
We are so proud about our little princess, now she is making a show break because she will comming soon 
in heat.




Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve's Show Comeback: Int. Dog Show Lausanne V3


The sensation became true!
After a show break of more than one year, our beloved Hidaya gets in a fully top ranked open class a sensational
Excellent 3! Judge report from M. Roland Spörr:
3 years old, excellent proportions, feminine type, good head profile, good eyes and pigment, correct ears, correct
neck, beautiful top line, slightly sloping croup, correct tail, correct Ridge, front and chest deepness ok, rip basket
slightly curved, correct angulations, fixed carpal joint, solid paws, good movement, secure character



"African Dream" - Fit for Future -


What a suffcoating heat!
Jean-Michel wants to make with me some condition training - however I'm in a false pregnancy I'm not
showing a bad impression. To point out: for a real "African" exactly the right temperature. My boss means,
in 3 months I will lool like little Schwarzenegger...Strange humans aren't they?



"African Dream"


Early 2012 it will happen!
Until then I'll have a lot of plans. Starting next week, I will do every day Bycicle-training to bring me in show
condition. I'll keep you exciting and will tell you more in my next report about my "African Dream".
Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve for of Muna ya Kusini



Summertime - Holidays


 We wish all of you a very nice summer and holiday time! Hidaya, Bantu & Family






After a long illness- Hidaya get poisoned by humans! - we are happy to announce that Hidaya's recovery
makes every day real progress. Hidaya went trough hell due to this threat but she is and stays a real fighter
with the attitude to survive.

My deep thanks goes to my husband who nursed devotional Hidaya, Karin Lomartire who helped us to
bring Hidaya in the right hands and of course Mrs Dr. med. vet. Magdalena Hauri in Beinwil a. See, who did
everything due to her professional experience to rescue Hidaya.





Nehanda goes back to Holland



With great regret Nehanda is leaving us back to her birthplace in Holland. We are very proud about Nehanda
that she will continnue her show- and breeding career in Holland with Yaw Adyuba and we miss her extremly.
But we are also happy, soon to welcome an offspring from Yaw Adyuba in Switzerland for Of Muna Ya Kusini. 



Yaw Adyuba Royalty Nehanda vp 2 IHA St. Gallen





Preparation for the World Dog Show in Paris


Nobody is perfect but I try to train for the world dog show in Paris so that I will make a good stack. Of course Karin is helping us for the big moment.






We proudly welcome our Dutch Queen: Y A W   A D Y U B A   R O Y A L T Y   N E H A N D A named after the grand monarch Nehanda of Mashonaland - Zimbabwe,
daughter from MCH Jasper's Mlangahill Durango and Int. & Dutch Ch. Tara v. d. Noorderheide.   Our thanks goes to the nice breeder / stud dog owner who gave us her "orange" girl:
Marije de Bruijn and Marten Baaseron from Holland, www.ridgebackeurope.com, Karin and Massimo Lomartire from Switzerland www.caneleone.ch, and of course to mum Nandi and dad Durango.

With Nehanda another dream come true for us and we are very proud and happy to introduce her soon life to the Rhodesian Ridgeback World and we hope that she will follow in Hidaya's footsteps. Happy New Year!!! 







Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve & Int. Ch. Aresvuma Vividjo Makini "Misha"  

The the mating party of that beautiful couple will take place in Holland next spring in 2011. We expect for our A-litter elegant red wheaten puppies with substance and a great character. Our pupies will grow up as family members in our house and garden and we will take care that we prepare them for the big world with a lot of attention and love.  Litter Announcement approx. End of May 2011 :
Potential puppy owner, please get in touch with Jasmine Hoppe: +41 79 216 45 65 / jasminehoppe@yahoo.de  or Elly Veldman www.madzinza.nl.






The decision is made!

With pleasure we can announce that we we plan to drive to Holland with Hidaya in March 2011 for the mating. As stud dog and father of our first litter we have chosen the beautiful male with a very nice character: Int. Ch. Aresvuma Vividjo Makini "Misha". We had the opportunity to check his perfect qualities directly in Holland. Of course not only his beauty but also his secure character and his sovereignty, which is absolutely essential for us to only use top representatives in the breed, even if we have to drive 1600 km for that. Read more under our rubric " puppy plans" and www.madzinza.nl.  Misha is a typical exponent of a ridgeback male with his nice head, furthermore he has substance and a very nice color. His ancestors are from the famous breeds: Aresvuma and Vizara. Now we hope that the mating will be succesful and we will let you know soon.



Hidaya passed the Swiss RR club breeding exam! Puppy plans Beginning 2011


Hipp Hipp Hurra: we got the last milestone: Hidaya passed the Swiss Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Breeding Exam!  Our Sweatheart Hidaya has done a great job yesterday and has passed accompaigned with beautiful weather the  breeding exam from the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Switzerland in Baden (see our dogs/hidaya/tests). We arer totaly proud and more than happy that the "Esperance of the South" (Muna ya kusini) was well-desposed to us and that Hidaya is allowed to continue this wonderful breed soon with her offspring. Now it comes an exciting time because we plan our first litter. Read more unter the heading "Puppy Plans"...



Shooting Star Hidaya on the cover of Monika Pehrs calender 2011


Hidaya enjoyes the German Ridgeback world and was choosen twice for the cover for the months of february and march for the calend of 2011. We are totaly proud of Bukuru's little great doughter!



Clubshow RRCS Exc. 3 for Hidaya - BOB für Kerubo


Under very difficult conditions - 17 bitches in the open class - our sweetheart achieved an Excellwent 3 by the South African judge R. van Aken (RSA Kennel Cartouche) and therefore she is ranked.  Halfbrother gets BOB and is winner of the day. Excellent!!!



Summer Holiday


Summer time - leasure time

We wish all of you a nice summer as we do enjoy the beautiful wheater and nature and we will be back as soon as we will attend the next show. Many greetings from Hidaya, Bukuru, Bantu, Usoni, Kerubo.



Today on Hidaya's 2nd Birthday we got the fantastic message: HD AA/ED 00/OCD 00 !



Our little princess Hidaya celebrates today her 2nd Birthday and she enjoys her special day with the ridgeback pack and a birthday cake, a birthday bone (from Anabel) and she is really totally satisfied. Along with all the Birthday Felicitations she got the most beautiful present directly from the vet:




Showgirl Hidaya won in Saarbrücken Exc. 1 CAC and gets two German Championchip points


Hidaya won again the intermediate class and gets the second championship point for the German Champion VDH and Club Elsa. Also brother Kamilika Kerubo achieved in the full occupied youth class an Exc. 2 R-CAC. We are totaly proud about the offspring of MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters!



Kamilika Kerubo Singburu Exc.1 CAC Youth Winner - Crufts Qualifikation - Youth-Champion - Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve Exc. 4 IHA St. Gallen


Both siblings and offsprings from MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters were successful in St. Gallen

Hidaya reached an Exc. 4 despite she is in a false pregnancy and brother Kerubo makes his father MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters and mother Hayawani Kamilika Rangi (Singoalla) verry proud of him due to his fantastic results at the IHA St. Gallen: Exc. 1 CAC - Youth winner, Crufts Qualification and Youth-Champion. Congratulations to all and go ahead.



Foto session by Monika Pehr (D) - IHA Munich Exc. 3 - IHA Offenburg Exc. 3


The picture gallery of Hidaya on this homepage is uploaded: Please follow: our dogs/Hidaya/gallery. There you will find a set of amazing pictures of Hidaya. Many thanks also to the photographers Monika Pehr (www.animal-art.org) and Ana Isabel Hürzeler Gomez for their great work. Of course we deed combine the foto session in Germany with the Int. Dog Show in Munich: Exc. 3 by judge Karin van Klaveren. Repetition one week later in Offenburg: Exc. 3 by judge Isolde Huber 



MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters: IHA Fribourg V1 CAC - Veteran Winner - Best of Breed (BOB) - 1st: Best Veteran in Show (BIS)


We break out in tears - we were tired but we were proud and happy. My dad made happen with his ten years what is nearly impossible. He appears at one's best and goes in the RR history. Under the crtitical eyes of the judge J. Eberhard he gains the audience with his beauty and his top charisma. Bukuru takes everything at home what he could take: Best of Breed - Best in Show. Congratulations to Anabel & "Butch"!!! Daughter Hidaya goes with a V at home and son Kerubo with V1 CAC Youth Winner. What would we else...



Snow Queen Austria 2010


The second time I spent with my family the winter sport week in Austria. The whole village succumb to my charme. Even  Bantu forgives my teenage behavior.



Hidaya took of with Excellent 1 CAC and obtained 2 candidatures for the German Championship


copyright Ana Isabel Hürzeler-Gomez                                            copyright Ana Isabel Hürzeler-Gomez Amazing! Hidaya is crowned with success:
she obtained in addition to the Excellent 1 CAC - candidature for the German Championship VDH, the candidature for the Club Elsa, this in competition with another 14 top bitches. We are so proud of our little sweetheart and become infatuated with her. We celebrated with her that special event to giving her favorit menu, of course like a houngry lion bitch has the expectation: beef and veal tenderloin...



After Exc1 CAC in Lausanne Exc3 in Varese


Also in Varese Italy our little princess atcs dignified for her father MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters and was again placed  with a Exc3 rating. Dear dad have a little patience with me I'll go ahead...



Makalonga's Bantu & Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve go arts


hoppe compositie

Monique van Wijk, the Dutch artist who already painted a lot of famous Ridgebacks, has had the passion to create a real work of art with our two beautiful Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Congratulations and many thanks to Monique for this great work!



Successful in Lausanne Exc1 CAC


copyright Ana Isabel Hürzeler                                                         copyright Ana Isabel Hürzeler

Finally we got it!
Hidaya wins her first CAC in the intermediate class after a difficult start on saturday and with a fully occupied notable competition. We are very proud about you and we have definitely the stimulation to go ahead and do our best. Brother Hodari was full with best wishes the day after...



A summer goes to end...


You could get the impression that I'm taning, having been so bright in April like a cornfield.



Happy Birthday Hidaya


Ticino Juni 2009

Ticino Juni 2009 101

copyright A. Hürzeler                                                                    copyright A. Hürzeler

Dear Hidaya
We wish you to your first birthday all the best, a lot of luk, success and healthy and we hope to celebrate a lots of more birthdays with you.

Mom Atiya, dad Bukuru, uncle Chifumo, Usoni, Kerubo, Bantu, Jasmine & Jean-Michel, Sidney, Anabel & Marcel




A beauty on journey


Ticino Juni 2009 083

Ticino Juni 2009 059

copyright A. Hürzeler                                                                    copyright A. Hürzeler

With my dad, my uncle Chifumo, Usoni and Kerubo I spent some beautyful days in the ticino and we had a lot of fun. Look at me how I'm in an excellent form.



Offspring at the Kennel van de Eyssel Hoeve


With a great pleasure I'd like to announce that I have received 14 siblings, 9 males and 5 females. Unfortunately two of them didn't survive.

If you are interested in a puppy from the mating of Atiya van de Biswetering & MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters, I kindly ask you to get direct in contact with the breeders: Patricia & Ole Smink, Meerle in Belgium: smink@telenet.be, http://www.eysselridgebacks.eu/




My summer residence in Molinazzo di Monteggio


What kind of a superb dog life I have. I feel totaly ridgeback good...



My district around Malcantone TI


Dear Dad,

My development is terrific, every day I look a little bit more like you. In any case I enjoy my liberty very much in my second home in the ticino.



Strasbourg: Youth Class Exc4


With strong competitors and as the youngest, nevertheless I got a good placement together with Anabel. Congratulations to both!



Greetings from our ski holidays in Austria


We are totally relaxing and we do everything to impress the people at óur ski destination.



Int. Dog Show Offenburg


Anabel & I we are good team, we will go ahead...



Congratulation from my heart to your 3rd trophy from the RRCS


Dear dad, you are unbeatable und the most beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback for every time!
Your daughter Hidaya & bipeds



Fribourg: Youth Class vv2


Again I attend together with my dad and my brother Hodari van de Eyssel Hoeve a dog show.



Everything what I do...


Bantu is always next to me. To relax in the warm lounge, Jeanmi and Sidney also like to be with us.



Snow Princess


In my fabulous snowy garden I'm jumping like a young deer and I chase snowballs for fun.



Roswitha has everything under control - even in the snow


We accompagny Sidney with his sledge and as usual we are ready for the foto shooting for the family foto album.



IHA Lausanne: VV1 Best Puppy


In Vilters at the RRCS clubshow I was the youngest with my 9 weeks. In Lausanne I made happen the sensation together with Anabel! Dad Bukuru and Anabel are more than proud about you. Jasmine & Jean-Michel send cordially greetings from Bali. Go ahead...



Int. Dog Show in Stuttgart


Due to my age, it was unfortunately not possible in Germany to attend the show. Nevertheless I was together with Jasmine, Anabel and my dad who as usual won with the following ranking: V1, CAC and on top veteran winner.



Season Greetings


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Bantu and I render uncertain the golf course


Finally I'm tall enough that I'm able for the rampage with Bantu in the region.




Siblings Meeting


Gladly meeting again: Hodari van de Eyssel Hoeve visits me in Therwil. Our development is fabulous, isn't it?




Jasmine's proudness


If pictures could talk: I love this girl like crazy!



My dad MCH Bukuru of Sambesi Waters & I


Unmistakably, I'm looking exactly like my dad. What a feast for the eyes! That's why we printed ourselfs as stamps in Singapoore.



Anabel & Marcel provide me with a very warm welcome in Therwil


My co-owners, invited me in Therwil and falled in love with me. Of Course I like this second home very much, especially the ridgeback pride.




I feel home in Boppelsen


At the end of August I enjoy the summer at my new destination in Boppelsen. I feel so good...




Leaving my breeders Home


It's time to say goodbye to Patrica Smink, my breeder in Meerle. I have to manage a long car ride from Belgium to Switzerland.



I'm a flirtatious model...


For me it's easy doing, I'm definitely a professional and I know exactly how to create show effects.



Hidaya's imprint at the Kennel van de Eyssel Hoeve


I'm totaly curious, noise is fascinating for me and I love to play for the rest of my life. With my siblings the rampage is a real pleasure.



Visit of the puppies in Belgium


Our choice has been made: the decision has been taken for our little beautiful girl: "Peach" is now Hidaya van de Eyssel Hoeve.



Hidaya arrives on earth!


Finally, Hidaya and her siblings are born on the 25th of June 2008. We are more than happy that the overall birth had happen very well and all puppies are lively and in a good health. The H-Litter contains eleven little pups: 7 males and 4 bitches.




Offspring expected


We are ready for the puppy offspring and we will be very happy if it becomes true.



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